MAV Nutrition Latest Information

Steps to a better sleep

You aren't bound to snooze every night. Consider easy sleep methods, such as creating a sleep plan and incorporating physical activity into your daily routine.

Consider all of the variables that can prevent you from getting a good night's sleep, from work stress and family obligations to unforeseen problems like illness. It's no surprise that getting a good night's sleep can be difficult.

How to Get a Better Night of Sleep

While you may not be able to manage the things that disrupt your sleep, you can develop habits that will help you sleep better. Begin with these...

New Year's Resolutions Can Be Attained With These Wellness Tips

A newfound sense of hope and, in many cases, a (re)commitment to personal health and wellness accompany the start of a new year. You're not alone if you're wanting to better your overall health and quality of life. In fact, resolutions centered on health and wellbeing are among the most popular! While we all have good intentions, Forbes reports that just 8% of people stick to their New Year's plans. The remaining 92 percent are more likely to fail because their resolutions are either too stringent, too ambitious, or plain unrealistic. To help you get started on the right foot...

How Can You Keep Your New Year's Resolutions?

Do you want to lose weight? Check. Do you want to start exercising? Check. Do you want to quit smoking? Check.

It's difficult to be effective when your list of New Year's Resolutions is as big as your holiday shopping list. When you combine the post-holiday low with the inability to keep your resolutions by February, March, or even late January, you may experience an increase in worry.

It's vital to remember that the New Year isn't supposed to be a springboard for drastic personality changes. It's a time for people to reflect on their actions during the previous...

Keeping Your Health During the Holidays

Though it's the most wonderful time of year, the holiday season is also known for overeating and overdoing it! Many people lose track of their food, exercise, and sleep regimens as a result of the abundance of Christmas delicacies and treats, holiday meals and feasts, and celebrations that disturb their everyday routine.

Here are some suggestions to help you stay healthy this holiday season:

1. Keep yourself hydrated.

You can fulfill your daily target by consuming the recommended eight glasses of water every day. But there's more to staying hydrated than that. Our bodies lose moisture during the winter months, therefore...

A Beginner's Guide to Working Out: How to Start Exercising

One of the most beneficial things you can do for your health is to exercise regularly.
In reality, you'll rapidly notice and feel the benefits of regular physical activity on your body and well-being.
Working exercise into your schedule, on the other hand, necessitates a lot of determination, and adhering to it in the long run necessitates discipline.
This post is for you if you want to start exercising but don't know where to start. Here's all you need to know about starting and adhering to a regimen.

Why exercise?

Regular exercise has been found to considerably improve your health.
Its key...